Thursday, June 3, 2010
Maytag recalls 1.7 million dishwashers

NY to conduct civil ceremonies for gay couples
My thoughts on this article are that this is a good step towards less and less discrimination. These ceremonies are probably making the gay couples very happy yet I can see why they want more. They should have the right to have the same ceremony that a regular couple does for marriage. If not, it’s like saying that a black person can’t get married to a white person. And that would be a big taboo around the country. Uproars would start and all hell would break lose. However for the gay couples…well they just don’t even get a change because it is still against the law for them to even be together.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
More efforts to cap the oil spill
This article talks about BP’s latest attempt to stop the oil from spewing out into the Gulf of Mexico. They have been unsuccessful yet but are trying to get ahead and gain some lost ground. The spill is affecting many. Not only is the coastline suffering but the amount of fishing area is being restricted. Its newest attempt to cap the spill was to drill into the well again to cap it. However the diamond edged saw they were using was jammed and they could no longer continue with the procedure. They are now using a robotic arm cutting device that will make a smoother cut and hopefully not get jammed. BP says this is a difficult process because 5,000 feet under water however they are trying everything they can think of and that they only want to stop it. They are funding a $360 million dollar project to block the oil from the cost with sand.
This oil spill has caused many upsets among America and the world. However has any stopped and thought about why this happened? My thoughts say that this would have never gotten so bad if BP would have had a back up plan that was actually tested and proven reliable. But no. They didn’t have a back up plan that was tested and when their backup plan failed miserably they sat there and said uhh ohh. If you are a company that wants to drill off shore even though everyone is saying not too because it is to hard to cap a spill, you better have 3 or more reliable plans to fall on if something did go wrong. I am grateful however that they are willing to pay for the project trying to prevent more danger to the shores of America.
Oil spill could be disaster for animals
I think that the government and BP needs to cap the oil leak first and then worry about wild life. If they don’t cap it then it will keep spilling into the shore and killing more animals. Once they do that then they need to step it into high gear and start getting people down there to help clean the animals and save the ones that need saving. We as a country cannot just sit here and watch the news and expect that the world will work itself out. We need to come together and do something.