Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oil spill could be disaster for animals

This article talks about how many different species are being affected by the oil spill. Most of the animals are birds considering they are on the top of the water which means they are directly on the oil. What the oil does to them is basically destroys their skin and gets into their lungs and eventually killing them. Birds are not the only ones. Fish, shrimp, oysters, otters, dolphins and even sperm whales are being affected. Some species are still recovering from other disasters like hurricane Katrina. Experts say that something drastic needs to happen or the wildlife along the shore will suffer great losses.

I think that the government and BP needs to cap the oil leak first and then worry about wild life. If they don’t cap it then it will keep spilling into the shore and killing more animals. Once they do that then they need to step it into high gear and start getting people down there to help clean the animals and save the ones that need saving. We as a country cannot just sit here and watch the news and expect that the world will work itself out. We need to come together and do something.

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