Friday, February 12, 2010

Seattle authorities to review security rules after transit beating

This article is about two unarmed security guards watching an assault of a 15 year old girl and doing nothing. You can see in the security camera video that two women are actually fighting and eventually, one ends up on the ground being violently kicked in the face by the other. The security guards are within feet away from the incident and continue to stand and watch is criminal act. The guards did however call the police and when they arrived, the authorities arrested four suspects. King County has a contract with a firm called Olympic Security Services Inc. that helps the Metro transit police, and according to that agreement, "unarmed security guards are instructed not to intervene when witnessing suspicious behavior or criminal activity, but to 'observe and report' and radio the Metro Transit Control Center, which relays requests for assistance to the appropriate law enforcement agencies."

My opinion on this issue would be that the Metro transit police should have stepped in as soon as one of the girls fell on the ground. How a human being can stand there and watch a brutal beating like that, I do not know, but something needs to be done. It’s a miracle that someone wasn’t critically injured or killed in that matter. King County needs to look over this contract again and make some big changes. One change that I would make is that the security guards are there for a reason, to protect people. If they just stand around and do nothing, you might as well not have them there at all and save some money! Also if you have them there it needs to be known that they can step in to an incident and take control if needed. If that is not known than crimes like this will keep occurring more and more often because people will know that they can get away with it until the police arrive. Something like this should never happen in America; a change needs to be made.

Video of the incident:

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