Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Joint Chiefs set to review 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy

President Obama and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair man are going to meet in a closed door meeting discussing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and whether to repeal it or not. President Obama is in favor of repealing the policy that has been set since 1993 where as Sen. John McCain says that it has been working just fine for 15 years, why change it now? There has been no decision made yet.

 My opinion on the issue is that it shouldn’t matter what your sexuality is in order to serve your country in the army. It’s not like they are any less capable of getting the job done over a straight man or woman. If they are capable of fighting for our country who are we to say that they cant? Telling them they cant serve in the army is like telling a African American that they can’t serve in the army. And since African Americans can serve in the army why not gays. The army is not a place to share your feelings but a place to protect the country and if everyone knows that this shouldn’t be that big of a deal.

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