Sunday, March 28, 2010

Health care reform anger takes a nasty, violent turn

This article informs the readers on how the health care bill has caused violence against politicians who voted yes towards it. Shots were fired during a congressman’s campaign and windows of Democratic offices were smashed all over the country. Even a coffin was laid on a lawmaker’s lawn. Many hate filled and even death threatening voicemails are being left on members of Congress’ phone lines. Republicans have the right to be angry over the Democrat's health care bill, but "resorting to violent measures is exactly the wrong way to send a message," Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said Thursday night.

My view on this situation is that all these people who are threatening congressmen need to grow up. Honestly, the video shows a grown man holding up a poster of a women, who had voted yes for the bill, and making slapping gestures at her face. All this violence is childish. If you want to make a difference than you should have done so in who you voted into office. If it didn’t go your way than there are many different ways to express your views without using violence. Think of the children who are watching the news and seeing grownups, who they look up to, acting like immature fools because something didn’t go their way; its an embarrassment to our country. So for all you middle aged men and women who can’t get over the healthcare bill passing, its time to act like true adults and stop this nonsense of resorting to violence to express your words. Don’t you think its time to stop and think when “unruly” teenagers are laughing at your ridiculous attempts to change a bill that has already passed? Come on.

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