Thursday, June 3, 2010
Maytag recalls 1.7 million dishwashers

NY to conduct civil ceremonies for gay couples
My thoughts on this article are that this is a good step towards less and less discrimination. These ceremonies are probably making the gay couples very happy yet I can see why they want more. They should have the right to have the same ceremony that a regular couple does for marriage. If not, it’s like saying that a black person can’t get married to a white person. And that would be a big taboo around the country. Uproars would start and all hell would break lose. However for the gay couples…well they just don’t even get a change because it is still against the law for them to even be together.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
More efforts to cap the oil spill
This article talks about BP’s latest attempt to stop the oil from spewing out into the Gulf of Mexico. They have been unsuccessful yet but are trying to get ahead and gain some lost ground. The spill is affecting many. Not only is the coastline suffering but the amount of fishing area is being restricted. Its newest attempt to cap the spill was to drill into the well again to cap it. However the diamond edged saw they were using was jammed and they could no longer continue with the procedure. They are now using a robotic arm cutting device that will make a smoother cut and hopefully not get jammed. BP says this is a difficult process because 5,000 feet under water however they are trying everything they can think of and that they only want to stop it. They are funding a $360 million dollar project to block the oil from the cost with sand.
This oil spill has caused many upsets among America and the world. However has any stopped and thought about why this happened? My thoughts say that this would have never gotten so bad if BP would have had a back up plan that was actually tested and proven reliable. But no. They didn’t have a back up plan that was tested and when their backup plan failed miserably they sat there and said uhh ohh. If you are a company that wants to drill off shore even though everyone is saying not too because it is to hard to cap a spill, you better have 3 or more reliable plans to fall on if something did go wrong. I am grateful however that they are willing to pay for the project trying to prevent more danger to the shores of America.
Oil spill could be disaster for animals
I think that the government and BP needs to cap the oil leak first and then worry about wild life. If they don’t cap it then it will keep spilling into the shore and killing more animals. Once they do that then they need to step it into high gear and start getting people down there to help clean the animals and save the ones that need saving. We as a country cannot just sit here and watch the news and expect that the world will work itself out. We need to come together and do something.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Issue #3 Putting Welfare to Work
I think that welfare is a good program however I see how the original program was questioned. If you are giving direct cash payments to people that might be telling them that,”It’s okay to be unemployed; you c

Maya's Issue #2-http://mayaseverson.blogspot.com/2010/04/issue-2-boosting-minimum.html
Felicia's Issue #1-http://felicia01.blogspot.com/2010/05/all-things-being-unequal.html
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Lawyer: Beheading planned in Saudi sorcery case
Sorcery. I seem to remember people believing in sorcery about a billion years ago! To arrest a man for committing sorcery is wrong but to sentence him to be BEHEADED is a little insane. Honestly how many people try to predict the future or give advice to the world... a lot. And how many of them are right? Slim to none my friends slim to none. I myself am starting to wonder if these judges even checked to see if his so called "predictions" turned out to be true, and if they turned out to be false..well than that's kinda embarrassing. This man was not even living in Saudi Arabia he was just visiting to preform the Islamic religious pilgrimage known as Urma. To me this guy sounds honest. He has a wife, looks like two kids from the picture.. those kids don't want to see their father's head cut off! Those types of things only happen in movies! If it were up to me, I would for sure let the guy go with his head attached and than have him tell me my future.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Two suspected suicides confirmed at Cornell; total now at six
Suicides are a terrible thing and I’m glad that there are many organizations out there to help people with that problem. However, six suicides in one academic year is far from normal. A college should have maybe two suicides a year, maybe. I think that there is a bigger picture here. I have talked about this issue in school with some classmates and one said that there was a group at Cornell trying to prove that they had academic stress and by doing so they think it’s a good idea to go and kill themselves to prove their point. This is ridiculous. Whoever thought of this idea needs serious help and for all the people in this group please get out of it. Killing yourself will just cause more problems like families being depressed, friends becoming depressed and thinking about committing suicide, and yes, it will cause more academic stress. So before you step on the top of that bridge to jump off take a second and think….there is Cymbalta!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Health care reform anger takes a nasty, violent turn
This article informs the readers on how the health care bill has caused violence against politicians who voted yes towards it. Shots were fired during a congressman’s campaign and windows of Democratic offices were smashed all over the country. Even a coffin was laid on a lawmaker’s lawn. Many hate filled and even death threatening voicemails are being left on members of Congress’ phone lines. Republicans have the right to be angry over the Democrat's health care bill, but "resorting to violent measures is exactly the wrong way to send a message," Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said Thursday night.
My view on this situation is that all these people who are threatening congressmen need to grow up. Honestly, the video shows a grown man holding up a poster of a women, who had voted yes for the bill, and making slapping gestures at her face. All this violence is childish. If you want to make a difference than you should have done so in who you voted into office. If it didn’t go your way than there are many different ways to express your views without using violence. Think of the children who are watching the news and seeing grownups, who they look up to, acting like immature fools because something didn’t go their way; its an embarrassment to our country. So for all you middle aged men and women who can’t get over the healthcare bill passing, its time to act like true adults and stop this nonsense of resorting to violence to express your words. Don’t you think its time to stop and think when “unruly” teenagers are laughing at your ridiculous attempts to change a bill that has already passed? Come on.
Friday, March 12, 2010
12-year-olds abusing inhalants

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Medalist leaves Olympics after racy pics hit Web

Friday, February 19, 2010
Girl's arrest for doodling raises concerns about zero tolerance
My opinion is that New York seriously needs to look over their rules on zero tolerance. It is outrageous that a school hands out tickets to students who are tardy. These tickets show up on their record forever. Then to further it more they fine them if it happens again! I personally do not want to have to be ticketed if I happen to get behind a slow driver. Yes, the schools say that their tardiness numbers have gone down but at what cost. I can almost guarantee that every student is speeding to get to school, not only endangering their lives but others around them, because they are scared of being ticketed or even arrested. Also do the schools think that the court is going to take these cases seriously? The truth is no, they are not. Who is going to send a 12 year old girl to jail for doodling on her school desk. She even offered to clean it off but no, she was humiliated in front of her entire school. That girl will be scarred for life. Kids in school can get to be really mean and I’m sure none of them will forget that incident. I completely agree with Steven Teske when he says that stupid and ridiculous things are starting happen.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
ISSUE #3 - Social Insecurity
The Social Security fund has become a big problem in today’s world. Many people, under the age of 22, are complaining that they pay into this fund, a fund for retiring baby boomers, yet they will never receive this money back because all of it would have gone to the retired of years before them. This is because as years go by the number of years people live go up or in other words people are living longer. This means that these people need retirement money for longer than they did 10 years ago and there is just not enough money being put in to provide that type of money. However there are people out there that say this is an easy fix; all you have to do is gradually raise the retirement age. Then there are the people who think that you need to make major changes like private investment accounts. There are many different views on whether Social Security is a good working system or not and here is my opinion.
I think that major changes need to be put in place. My paychecks are small enough and yet I get taxed on a social security fund that I will never see. Now I know that this fund is for the elderly which include my grandparents but you know what, my grandparents agree with me in that I shouldn’t have to pay money to support the enormous amount of baby boomers so they can take fancy vacations; especially when I don’t get the same treatment when I’m ready to retire. Me and my grandparents are not the only ones who agree with this idea. Vice President Joe Biden also agrees that there needs to be a change in social security. He believes that we should raise the cap of $97,500. However he agrees that raising the retirement age would help but he also says that by simply raising the cap you could solve the problem.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Seattle authorities to review security rules after transit beating
My opinion on this issue would be that the Metro transit police should have stepped in as soon as one of the girls fell on the ground. How a human being can stand there and watch a brutal beating like that, I do not know, but something needs to be done. It’s a miracle that someone wasn’t critically injured or killed in that matter. King County needs to look over this contract again and make some big changes. One change that I would make is that the security guards are there for a reason, to protect people. If they just stand around and do nothing, you might as well not have them there at all and save some money! Also if you have them there it needs to be known that they can step in to an incident and take control if needed. If that is not known than crimes like this will keep occurring more and more often because people will know that they can get away with it until the police arrive. Something like this should never happen in America; a change needs to be made.
Video of the incident:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Joint Chiefs set to review 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy
President Obama and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair man are going to meet in a closed door meeting discussing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and whether to repeal it or not. President Obama is in favor of repealing the policy that has been set since 1993 where as Sen. John McCain says that it has been working just fine for 15 years, why change it now? There has been no decision made yet.
My opinion on the issue is that it shouldn’t matter what your sexuality is in order to serve your country in the army. It’s not like they are any less capable of getting the job done over a straight man or woman. If they are capable of fighting for our country who are we to say that they cant? Telling them they cant serve in the army is like telling a African American that they can’t serve in the army. And since African Americans can serve in the army why not gays. The army is not a place to share your feelings but a place to protect the country and if everyone knows that this shouldn’t be that big of a deal. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/02/01/military.gays/index.html?hpt=Sbin
Monday, February 1, 2010
White House: No decision yet on moving 9/11 trial
I think that there should be a vote taken by the people of New York. I feel like they deserve the right in deciding whether or not to have the trial there. It could be very offensive to some and it only seems fair that the people should have a say. If they choose to have the trial in New York, than there needs to be a secure place to hold Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The cost is also something to think about but most likely the government can come up with enough money to hold a trial. Even if it were held in a military base it wouldn’t be that much cheaper.